Watchman Outreach Mission as envisioned fundamentally comprises of men and women of faith who watch over one another and together watch for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Next to this primary assignment is an equally important responsibility of bringing others into the same state of watchfulness and readiness as the coming of the Lord draws near. Ours is a trans-ministerial, trans-denominational mission. Our core values include expository teaching, prayer and counselling. We train in principles and practice of Christian discipleship and equip for effective Kingdom Service. The Lord Jesus Christ in one of His parable said "While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept" Mathew 25:5. Watchman Outreach Mission is a response of faith to this and similar warnings about even...


Food For Thought

“AND WHEN THE DAY OF PENTECOST WAS FULLY COME, THEY WERE ALL WITH ONE ACCORD IN ONE PLACE. AND SUDDENLY THERE CAME A SOUND FROM HEAVEN AS OF A RUSHING MIGHTY WIND, AND IT FILLED ALL THE HOUSE WHERE THEY WERE SITTING. AND THERE APPEARED UNTO THEM CLOVEN TONGUES LIKE AS OF FIRE, AND IT SAT UPON EACH OF THEM. AND THEY WERE ALL FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST, AND BEGAN TO SPEAK WITH OTHER TONGUES, AS THE SPIRIT GAVE THEM UTTERANCE.” Acts 2:1-4 The story of Pentecost is a story of how God through the Holy Spirit use ordinary men and means to achieve extraordinary purposes and results. Till date, the story of Holy Spirit’s work in and through God’s people and the church is a story of the extraordinary and supernatural. Unique and peculiar to the operations of God’s Spirit is His ability to bring supernatural dimensions into natural processes, actions, activities and phenomena. Pentecost Day event told us how it all began.

Life on Heaven's Highway


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