Watchman Outreach Mission as envisioned fundamentally comprises of men and women of faith who watch over one another and together watch for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Next to this primary assignment is an equally important responsibility of bringing others into the same state of watchfulness and readiness as the coming of the Lord draws near. Ours is a trans-ministerial, trans-denominational mission. Our core values include expository teaching, prayer and counselling. We train in principles and practice of Christian discipleship and equip for effective Kingdom Service. The Lord Jesus Christ in one of His parable said "While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept" Mathew 25:5. Watchman Outreach Mission is a response of faith to this and similar warnings about even...


Food For Thought

“I AM THAT BREAD OF LIFE, I AM THE LIVING BREAD WHICH CAME DOWN FROM HEAVEN: IF ANY MAN EAT OF THIS BREAD, HE SHALL LIVE FOR EVER: AND THE BREAD THAT I WILL GIVE IS MY FLESH, WHICH I WILL GIVE FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD” John 5:48, 51 Eternal life comes by believing in Christ and feeding on Him as one feeds on physical bread. This refers to profitable use of spiritual systems and processes that transforms and applies our knowledge and understanding of the person of Christ in such a way that facilitates holistic spiritual growth and development in our life.

Life on Heaven's Highway


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